Below is a list of all the bird species ever recorded at OPS (a total of 236 species) and the highest numbers of each species that have been seen (since 1979).
The historic records (1979 – 2005) have been taken from ’The Journal of the Bristol Ornithological Club, Number 28, 2006; The Birds of Oldbury Power Station Silt Lagoons’ by AJ Middleton, DH Payne, JDR Vernon.
Species |
Max. number ever recorded |
Year (when max. last recorded) |
Notes & (Max. no. since 2003, where historic records higher) |
Black-throated Diver |
1 |
2024 |
Great Northern Diver |
1 |
2023 |
Little Grebe |
7 |
2023 |
3 adults with 4 juvs. |
Great Crested Grebe |
3 |
2000 |
(2 in 2020&22) |
Slavonian Grebe |
1 |
1998 |
Black-necked Grebe |
1 |
1999 |
Manx Shearwater |
2 |
1997 |
(1 in 2020) |
Storm Petrel |
1 |
2016 |
prev. record 1990 |
Fulmar |
2 |
2023 |
Gannet |
9 |
2019 |
(Also 4 in 2011) |
Shag |
22 (over) |
2016 |
(2 in 2023) |
Cormorant |
34 |
1990 |
(26 in 2020) |
Crane |
1 |
2008 |
7 from Great Crane Project in 2014 |
Bittern |
1 |
1997 |
Little Egret |
13 |
2024 |
Cattle Egret |
7 |
2021 |
Great White Egret |
6 |
2022 |
Spoonbill |
2 |
2009 |
Grey Heron |
22 |
1990 |
(12 in 2020) |
White Stork |
1 |
2021 |
Mute Swan |
15 |
1982 |
(9 in 2006 & 2021) |
Bewick’s Swan |
17 |
2009 |
(8 in 2021, 9 in 2023) |
Whooper Swan |
7 |
2023 |
(4 in 2020) |
Taiga Bean Goose |
1 |
1998 |
Tundra Bean Goose |
11 |
2020 |
White-fronted Goose |
55 |
1981 |
(6 'Greenland' type in 2019) |
Greylag Goose |
45 |
2019 |
Canada Goose |
574 |
2022 |
(474 on shore, 100+ on far side. 538 in fields.) |
Barnacle Goose |
80 |
2010 |
Floated downriver in freezing-fog. (50 in 2023) |
Brent Goose |
61 |
2009 |
A Pale-bellied in 2022. |
Egyptian Goose |
5 |
2024 |
Shelduck |
218 |
1990 |
(116 in 2009) |
Ruddy Shelduck |
2 |
2010 |
Mandarin Duck |
8 |
2022 |
2 in 2017 & 2023 |
Wigeon |
2100 |
2010 |
Dec, when frozen inland |
American Wigeon |
1 |
2017 |
Teal |
1000 |
1996 |
(558 in 2016) |
Green-winged Teal |
1 |
2010 |
Mallard |
425 |
2000 |
(416 in 2006) |
Gadwall |
13 |
1983 |
(8 in 2012) |
Pintail |
32 |
2018 |
Garganey |
4 |
2020 |
Shoveler |
38 |
2008 |
Tufted Duck |
46 |
2018 |
Ring-necked Duck |
1 |
2000 |
Pochard |
52 |
1999 |
(5 in 2014) |
Red-crested Pochard |
1 |
2013 |
Goldeneye |
7 |
1983 |
(2 in 2002, 2006 & 2023) |
Eider |
18 |
1993 |
(2 in 2022) |
Long-tailed Duck |
1 |
2001 |
(probable in 2022) |
Common Scoter |
8 |
2018 |
Red-breasted Merganser |
22 |
2020 |
(3 in 2016) |
Goosander |
19 |
2010 |
Ruddy Duck |
2 |
1991 |
Sparrowhawk |
5 |
2022 |
Goshawk |
2 |
2020 |
Hen Harrier |
1 |
2021 |
Marsh Harrier |
2 |
2022 |
Buzzard |
18 |
2015 |
Red Kite |
4 |
2023 |
Osprey |
2 |
2018 |
Kestrel |
7 |
2024 & 2013 |
Merlin |
2 |
2008 |
Hobby |
2 |
2018 |
Peregrine |
6 |
2009 |
4 in 2015 & 2024 |
Pheasant |
40 |
2022 |
Red-legged Partridge |
2 |
2006 |
(1 in 2021, 2019 & 2015) |
Grey Partridge |
1 |
2024 |
(prev. 1 in 2004) |
Water Rail |
7 |
2014 |
Moorhen |
31 |
2024 |
Coot |
16 |
2003 |
Avocet |
8 |
2016 |
Great Bustard |
1 |
2008 |
Wing-tagged, from Salisbury Plain intro. scheme |
Oystercatcher |
30 |
2024 |
Black-winged Stilt |
1 |
1997 |
Little Ringed Plover |
7 |
1983 |
(4 in 2012) |
Ringed Plover |
744 |
1990 |
(320 in 2018) |
Kentish Plover |
1 |
1993 |
Dotterel |
1 |
2014 |
Golden Plover |
122 |
2007 |
Grey Plover |
100 |
2016 |
Lapwing |
3000 |
1999 |
(2000 in 2006) |
Ruff |
11 |
1993 |
(8 in 2007) |
Knot |
80 |
1994 |
(76 in 2015) |
Sanderling |
28 |
2023 |
(25 in 2014) |
Semi-palmated Sandpiper |
1 |
1990 |
Curlew Sandpiper |
24 |
1991 |
(12 in 2010) |
Pectoral Sandpiper |
1 |
2005 |
Dunlin |
4000 |
2015 |
Broad-billed Sandpiper |
1 |
1983 |
Little Stint |
22 |
1993 |
(3 in 2016) |
Teminck's Stint |
1 |
1984 |
Jack Snipe |
8 |
2000 |
(6 in 2006) |
Common Snipe |
248 |
2016 |
Woodcock |
3 |
2010 |
Black-tailed Godwit |
400 |
2019 |
Bar-tailed Godwit |
301 |
2023 |
(222 in 2007, 235 in 1984) |
Whimbrel |
99 |
1996 |
(85 in 2016) |
Curlew |
1800 |
1987 |
(1200 in 2007) |
Stone Curlew |
1 |
2013 |
Greenshank |
13 |
1994 |
(12 in 2017) |
Redshank |
218 |
2016 |
Spotted Redshank |
5 |
1995 |
(1 in 2017) |
Common Sandpiper |
15 |
2023 |
Green Sandpiper |
4 |
2007 |
(3 in 2024) |
Wood Sandpiper |
1 |
2015 |
Turnstone |
147 |
1997 |
(135 in 2007) |
Grey Phalarope |
1 |
2018 |
Long-tailed Skua |
1 |
2008 |
Arctic Skua |
4 |
2011 |
(3 in 2021) |
Pomarine Skua |
1 |
2013 |
Great Skua |
4 |
2013 |
Mediterranean Gull |
6 |
2012 |
Black-headed Gull |
7000 |
1989 |
(6000 in 2008 & 2024) |
Little Gull |
90 |
2023 |
(9 in 1979) |
Sabine's Gull |
1 |
1996 |
Ring-billed Gull |
1 |
1994 |
Common Gull |
2000 |
2024 |
Kittiwake |
178 |
2014 |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
200 |
2021 & 2012 |
Herring Gull |
1000 |
2024 |
(600 in 2021 & 1990) |
Yellow-legged Gull |
8 |
1993 |
(3 in 2002, 2 in 2018) |
Iceland Gull |
2 |
2000 |
(1 in 2004, 2019 & 2022) |
Glaucous Gull |
1 |
2022 |
(previous in 1984 & 2021) |
Great Black-backed Gull |
60 |
1995 |
(15 in 2019) |
Sandwich Tern |
15 |
2021 |
(6 in 2020) |
Common Tern |
20 |
1993 |
(15 in 2021) |
"Commic" Tern |
139 |
1984 |
Arctic Tern |
60 |
2011 |
Little Tern |
2 |
2008 |
Black Tern |
18 |
2016 |
Whiskered Tern |
1 |
2016 |
Guillemot |
1 |
2018 |
Little Auk |
1 |
1984 |
Picked up on Tidal Res. wall. Stuffed in Bristol Museum. |
Feral Pigeon |
33 |
2007 |
Stock Dove |
800 |
1996 |
(130 in 2015) |
Woodpigeon |
1,600 |
2020 |
380 in 2011, not vismig |
Turtle Dove |
3 |
1993 |
(1 in 2023) |
Collared Dove |
60 |
2019 |
Cuckoo |
4 |
1989 |
(3 in 2015) |
Ring-necked Parakeet |
2 |
2018 |
Hoopoe |
1 |
2011 |
(1 reported 2020) |
Barn Owl |
1 |
2024 |
Short-eared Owl |
7 |
1998 |
(4 in 2016) |
Long-eared Owl |
7 |
1997 |
Tawny Owl |
4 |
2015 |
Little Owl |
4 |
2000 |
(3 in 2007; 1st for 9 years in 2021) |
Nightjar |
1 |
2020 |
Swift |
680 |
2012 |
Alpine Swift |
1 |
2023 |
Kingfisher |
2 |
2021 |
Wryneck |
1 |
2020 |
Green Woodpecker |
7 |
2016 |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
5 |
2023 |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
1 |
1996 |
(1 reported 2019) |
Skylark |
150 |
1997 |
(120 in 1996, 116 in 2010) |
Shore Lark |
2 |
2010 |
Sand Martin |
200 |
2019 |
Swallow |
1000 |
2017 |
House Martin |
1060 |
1996 |
(1000 in 2008) |
Richard's Pipit |
1 |
2024 |
(prev. in 2010) |
Meadow Pipit |
3000 |
2014 |
Tree Pipit |
12 |
2012 |
Rock Pipit |
10 |
2014 |
Water Pipit |
2 |
2024 |
Yellow Wagtail |
81 |
2012 |
Grey Wagtail |
6 |
2018 |
Pied Wagtail |
5000 |
1981 |
(400 in 2007) |
Waxwing |
8 |
2024 |
(2 in 2012) |
Wren |
52 |
2015 |
Dunnock |
42 |
2015 |
Robin |
47 |
2015 |
(29 in 2023) |
Nightingale |
1 |
1991 |
Redstart |
11 |
2013 |
Black Redstart |
4 |
2022 |
Whinchat |
15 |
1995 |
(11 in 2004) |
Stonechat |
20 |
2020 |
Wheatear |
30 |
2011 |
(24 in 2021) |
Pied Wheatear |
1 |
2011 |
Blackbird |
200 |
2004 |
Ring Ouzel |
2 |
2017 |
Fieldfare |
2000 |
2013 |
Song Thrush |
100 |
2000 |
(30 in 2015) |
Redwing |
3400 |
2019 |
Mistle Thrush |
29 |
2022 |
Grasshopper Warbler |
5 |
2022 |
Cetti’s Warbler |
10 |
2020 & 2021 |
Sedge Warbler |
17 |
2018 |
Reed Warbler |
50+ |
Unknown year 1979-2005 |
(26 in 2023) |
Lesser Whitethroat |
10 |
2014&23 |
Whitethroat |
50 |
2006 |
Garden Warbler |
3 |
2021 & 2019 |
Blackcap |
45 |
2019 |
Wood Warbler |
2 |
2017 |
Chiffchaff |
75 |
2008 |
Willow Warbler |
22 |
2000 |
(15 in 2013) |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
1 |
2024 |
(prev. in 2016) |
Firecrest |
2 |
2014 |
Goldcrest |
22 |
2016 |
Spotted Flycatcher |
7 |
2022 |
(Next best 5 in 2024) |
Pied Flycatcher |
3 |
2024 |
(1 in 2018, 2 in 1994) |
Long-tailed Tit |
32 |
2021 & 2019 |
Coal Tit |
6 |
2021 |
Marsh Tit |
1 |
2017 |
Blue Tit |
30 |
2022 |
Great Tit |
22 |
2019 |
Bearded Tit |
1 |
2015 |
Treecreeper |
3 |
2024 & 2019 |
Nuthatch |
2 |
2024 |
Jay |
16 |
2022 |
(15 in trees at Windbound) |
Magpie |
59 |
1995 |
(56 in 2007) |
Jackdaw |
1500 |
2015 |
Rook |
500 |
2006 |
(400 in 2021 & 2024) |
Carrion Crow |
200 |
2007 |
Hooded Crow |
1 |
2024 |
Raven |
14 |
2023 |
(12 in 2014, 13 in 2005) |
Starling |
10,000 |
2014 |
Rose-coloured Starling |
1 |
2021 |
House Sparrow |
100 |
2014 |
Tree Sparrow |
80 |
1982 |
(13 in 2004) |
Chaffinch |
1,325 |
2015 |
Brambling |
80 |
1984 |
(20 in 2005) |
Greenfinch |
200 |
1995 |
(24 in 2007, 29 in 2024) |
Goldfinch |
700 |
2008 |
Hawfinch |
6 |
2024 |
(3 in 2017) |
Siskin |
102 |
2021 |
(prev 45 in 2010) |
Linnet |
500 |
1995 |
(300 in 2008) |
Twite |
10 |
1984 |
(4 in 2012) |
"Common" Redpoll |
4 |
2009 |
Lesser Redpoll |
30 |
2015 |
Crossbill |
6 |
2011 |
Bullfinch |
20 |
2012 |
(18 in 2021) |
Yellowhammer |
50 |
1990 |
(40 in 2012) |
Corn Bunting |
2 |
2007 |
Little Bunting |
1 |
2021 |
Reed Bunting |
50 |
2016 |
Lapland Bunting |
4 |
2010 |
(1 in 2024) |
Snow Bunting |
2 |
2017 |
Exotics: (Not included in total) |
Ross's Goose - 2023 |
Muscovy Duck |
Rhode Island Red chicken |
Black-crowned Waxbill |
Australian Shelduck |
Bar-headed Goose |
Chestnut Teal |
Chiloe Wigeon |
Lanner |
Saker Falcon |
White-cheeked Pintail |
Batleur Eagle - 2007 |
Turkey Vulture |
Lesser Flamingo |
Snow Goose - 2 in 1989 |
Blue-winged Goose |
Ringed Teal |
Hottentot Teal |
Cockatiel |
Chestnut Munia |
Chukar |
King Eider - Shot, Count Rock, Nov 1912 |
Last revised: Jan 2025